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It has been a while since I last blogged and I have honestly been wanting to start back for a while now but I was uncertain as to how to go about it.

Yikes! How do I reintroduce myself to those who may still be following my Blog?

Do I write about coming back? Maybe share a little about why I have been missing in action for so long followed by my excitement to be back to blogging again? Or do I just blog about something on my heart that I’m wanting to share and just post it as if I haven’t been away for over a year? Oh the struggle…it was real and since I didn’t know how to return I just wouldn’t post anything. I would tell myself I will come back to it another day.

Well, today is another day and as you can see I decided to not avoid the fact that it has been a while and that I have been missing in action. I do want you to know that I am excited to get back to sharing my life and all that God is doing. I am still as uncomfortable with writing as I have ever been and I still do not know what I am doing. Haha. But I am putting my trust in The Lord because He knows what He is doing and that is enough for me.

A lot has happened since the last time I blogged. The storm that I was facing daily in that season finally passed! Praise the Lord!!! I learned so much during that season as I watched the faithfulness of God unfold in my life daily. I will share more later about the struggles as well as the victories as The Lord leads. I will also be sharing little nuggets that God puts on my heart throughout each week.

I humbly ask that you extend grace to me for my long absence and my re-emergence. I am not exactly sure what things will look like as I move forward, but I hope to post at least once a week. My theme is still the same: Transparency!

In keeping with that theme, I hope to never have to write the words, “It has been a while”, again. See you soon!

6 Replies to “It Has Been A While”

  1. I always feel LIFE when I read the your blogs .. always. Tonight is a part of always:)
    Im so glad to see Gods Beloved Warrior in my feed!!

Tell me what you think =)