Hi! I’m Sherry. I am a wife, mother,  grammy, and lover of Jesus. I am married to my best friend. I have two wonderful sons who have brought so much joy into my life and a beautiful daughter (in love) who is a perfect fit for not only my son, but for our family, too.

I enjoy reading, crafty things, spending time with my family…and friends, studying God’s word, challenging myself daily to become more like Jesus. I also like to challenge others to become the best version of themselves. I have a heart to see others, especially young girls, walking in their true identity and in all the freedom that brings with it.

I am real and I like real…no need for pretense. When I love you…I love you BIG! I do not like when there is a big elephant hanging out in the room taking up waaaay too much space so I will acknowledge it.

My heart is to help others know their true identity and live life from that identity, especially the younger generation. I struggled with my identity for a large portion of my life, trying to be who others thought or said I should be. It was in Christ that I found my true identity and I live from that place, knowing that His words about me are truth. My mission is to see young girls and boys confident in their TRUE identities and walking in the confidence of who they were created to be! It is when we know our identity that we can begin to heal from the lies that we have believed about ourselves and begin to walk in the freedom that Jesus died to give us.

My Purpose for Blogging

My purpose for blogging is really just to be real and transparent in my everyday struggles and victories in hopes that those who read may be encouraged and inspired. Social media and television paint a picture perfect life…always beautiful, always happy, always doing good, always surrounded by friends and loved ones, always (you feel in the blank)… so I thought I would just be real. My life is not always great, or happy, or fun, and I don’t always look put together and beautiful. I have struggles and sometimes I stay in my pj’s all day and don’t even wash my face, much less make it look pretty. So in my post you will see the real me, but hopefully God being glorified in it all.

What do I hope to accomplish from blogging? Hmm…I hope to become more comfortable and confident in being transparent with readers I may never meet. I hope that by me being real and sharing my life that others may be encouraged to be themselves. I hope through me sharing my journey that others can gain freedom and begin to walk in their true identity. I hope most of all that in my writings I glorify God above all else.


Are you ready to go on a journey? I have decided that 2018 is the year that I get outside of my comfort zone and allow God to be BIG…both in me and through me for anyone and everyone to see. No more holding back or playing it safe…Nope…I am jumping in feet first…way in over my head and I am going deep…deep…and deeper still; UNAFRAID…UNASHAMED…and UNDONE!! I will be both real and raw in my postings as I am being stretched, challenged, encouraged, loved and continually molded into the image of my loving Father. I hope that as you follow along on my journey that you will find your heart encouraged, your faith strengthened, and your love for God deepened.

Buckle up and lets get started.