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Hi!!! It’s been a while since I’ve posted. Sorry, I’m not posting as often as I would like. It’s not because things aren’t happening…because THEY ARE!! So much that I could write about and would love to write about (hopefully I will get better at posting), but today I just want to encourage you!!!

Yes…today I want to encourage You, the one taking time to read this post. God wants you to know that you were created for greatness!! He has placed a dream…a purpose inside of you that is just for you! There may be others with the same dream, but it doesn’t look exactly like yours. You see…your life story is an original! There is no one else with the same story as you. No one else can release the message that you have been given to release. There may be similar life stories with the similar dreams, but they’re not the same as yours. God created and orchestrated your life in a way that no one else can be you or do what you are called to do. Are you living out the greatness that God created you for?

The same Spirit that created the world and everything in it…including you…lives on the inside of you!!!That same Spirit that raised Jesus from the dead. This is a Selah moment…stop and meditate on that for about thirty seconds. Really meditate on it. What does that say to you? Does it encourage you? Does it embolden you? Does it cause you to look at yourself and your God-given dreams differently? It should!!!! That is a powerful truth!!!

I wanted to write that truth because I feel like there are those reading this that have maybe not given up on a dream, but you’re struggling with making it a reality. You’ve had visions of what this dream looks like…you’ve felt it…tasted it…been excited about it, even seen yourself walking it out, yet somehow it is still sitting inside of you…waiting on you to give birth to it. Is that you? If so, this post is for you!

I wanted you to take a Selah moment earlier because you need to know that the Spirit of the Living God is residing inside of you (if you have accepted Jesus Christ as your Lord and Savior) and the dreams that He has given you…He is more than able to bring them to completion. As a matter of fact…He is waiting for you to trust Him with them and step out! He has given you everything you need. Ephesians 3:20 says, “Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this (vs.14-19). He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for His miraculous power constantly energizes you.” (The Passion Translation)

So be bold! Be strong! Be courageous! Trust God and allow Him to bring to completion the work that He has begun in you!!!

I am sure that you are well aware that there is an enemy trying to steal, kill and destroy you and your God-given dream. He is just as real as God living inside of you but is in no way equal to. He is the Father of lies who is constantly waging war against you. He is continually whispering or maybe shouting his lies to you daily. He may do this through your own thoughts, through the words of others, through situations or circumstances…however he can get you to listen…he will speak! He is always speaking!!!! Always!!! You have to learn to recognize his lies…and not give them any power. (You know the enemy has no power except what you give him when you agree with his lies…right?) Always remembering you were created for greatness!!!

The question is…Whose voice are you going to listen to? Whose voice reigns true in your thoughts? Whose voice is loudest?

The liar says that you that you are not smart enough…but God says that you are created in His image with the mind of Christ.

The liar says that someone else has already done it and done it better than you can…but God says that no one else has your story and someone out there needs what He has put inside of you.

The liar says you’re going to look stupid and this will never work…but God says you’re going to look like Him and it will work. He already has your days written in His book… every one of them. Trust Him.

The liar says you’re too old…but God says you’re never too old. Age is just a number…and God is not limited by time or space.

The liar says that you have messed up too much…too big….too bad…but God says it’s all covered. He is a God of new beginnings. His grace is sufficient and His mercies are new every day.

The liar says it’s too late…God says it is never too late to be who He has called you to be. As long as you’re alive…there is still time. Start today.

The lies go on and on…they’re like the song that never ends. Haha (Do you know the one I’m talking about? The one from the children’s show, Lamb Chop’s.)

What is the liar saying to you? Take a minute and ask God what His words are to you. Ask Him what He is speaking over you. Ask Him to help you see yourself as He sees you.

Who you listen to and what believe about yourself and your dream will determine which direction you go. If you listen to the lies of the enemy…you will walk around defeated and never become who God created you to be, but if you listen to the truth of God…you will walk around victoriously in the fullness of who you truly are. That’s right…who you truly are. You are who God created you to be…you may not be walking in it fully yet, but that is your true identity!!

Your dream…gift…talent…calling isn’t about you. It’s about what God wants to do in His kingdom through you!! Why do you think the enemy attacks like he does! Take some of the pressure off of yourself…actually, take all of the pressure off of yourself and just be the Beautiful self that God created you to be. Step into your destiny…your calling…YOUR DREAM!!! What are you waiting on? You know the truth now…so pull those lies down and begin to declare the truth of God’s word over you!

Get alone with God and dream with Him. Allow Him to awaken the dreams that may be lying dormant in you. Allow Him to show you who you truly are. Allow Him to help you walk out this call and destiny for your life. Ask Him how He sees you, listen to what He says and write it down. Get in His word and be encouraged. Write down some scriptures that declare who God’s word says you are…how He sees you…His plans for you and begin to speak them out loud over yourself daily. The battle is in your mind and if you can transform your mind…you can walk victoriously in your identity.

I will close with this…NO ONE ELSE CAN DO WHAT YOU HAVE BEEN CALLED TO DO SO IF YOU DON’T DO IT…IT WON’T GET DONE. They can do what they’ve been called to do and it may look similar to what you’ve been called to do, but it’s not your calling. Be bold!!! Be strong!!! Be courageous!!! Be you!!! PARTNER WITH GOD AND TRANSFORM YOUR DREAM INTO A REALITY. (I think of Walt Disney as I write that line. If you don’t know his story, google it and read it. It will encourage you!) You were created for greatness!!!

3 Replies to “You were created for Greatness”

  1. Always His word in yours!! And I love sending it out and sharing it with others!! Thank you, Sherry!!

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