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Proverbs 18:21…”The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” Wow…that is a powerful scripture if we truly think about it. Our tongue…our words…bring life or death (to us and to others) and we will reap what we speak. If we really believe God’s word to be true…wouldn’t we…shouldn’t we choose our words wisely?

Last Friday night I had a dream. This dream was about a pastor (who I did not know) but he would speak and it would happen. Things were happening around him. People were being healed, delivered, born again, blessed, etc. I was impressed, to say the least. Then I saw this person outside of “church” and he was not living for God. His fruit was not the fruit of the Spirit. I was very confused and I asked God, “Why are things happening when this man speaks but he is not living for you?” I heard the Lord say, “Because My Word is alive and active. My Word creates. My word will accomplish all that it is sent to accomplish and will not return to Me void. There is power in My Word!”

I woke on Saturday and this was all that I could think about. I am very aware of the power of our words…and I try to be very careful to speak words that line up with God’s Word because I know that I will reap what I speak. I know that my life will go in the direction that my words lead it. I try to bring every thought captive that doesn’t line up with God’s Word because I don’t want any ungodly thought dictating the words that I will speak and therefore influencing the direction of my life. James tells us that we ought not to have blessings and curses coming out of the same mouth.

I knew God wanted me to blog about the words we speak and how we need to choose our words wisely.

What direction are your words taking you in? What “consequences” are you reaping? Are you seeing your life blessed? Walking in health? Living in peace? Full of joy? Or are you struggling? Walking around defeated? Turmoil surrounding you? Walking in mourning and discouragement?

If your words are not bringing the fullness of God’s goodness into you your life…YOU CAN CHANGE THAT TODAY!

First, repent for lining up with the enemy’s words instead of God’s words for your life. Then get into His Word and find scriptures that you can declare over your life. Begin speaking His Word over you and your life every day…and the lives of others. Begin declaring His Word to be the truth in every situation. Saturate yourself in His Word. Let it cut away all the wrong mindsets and anything that may not be pleasing to Him. Let it begin to shift and shape you, more and more, into His image. Fill yourself up with His Word until you are overflowing…and then you won’t even have to think about choosing your words wisely…you just will. Your mind will be renewed by His word and your thoughts will be in alignment with His. When this happens…you will begin to see a shifting taking place in your life…and the consequences you are reaping will become beautiful, wonderful, delicious fruit.

I’ll leave you with an example from our scripture today…Proverbs 18.

My words have power and when spoken they bring life or death. Today, I will choose my words wisely so that I will bring life everywhere I go and I will reap the benefit of my words.

Let’s choose our words wisely and enjoy the benefit of them. Let’s partner with God and bring heaven to earth! Always speaking life!!

God Bless You! Have a wonderful week!

3 Replies to “Choose Our Words Wisely”

  1. Thank you so much for this. My 12 year old son has gotten himself into a pickle just recently with his gossiping with his friends (and now the loss of a friend). We have been talking about this and I hope he’s been praying, too. I am going to have him read this with some scripture I’ve pulled for him. He is me made over, and I still struggle with this. I need a DAILY reminder to guard my tongue!

Tell me what you think =)