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It is the process that produces the character which is needed if you are to possess and remain in your promise! There is no promise without a process!!!

If you are a child of God, you have promises!!! God’s Word is full of promises for you. But…there is always a process before you receive the promise.

How many know that without the process you would not be able to handle the promise? The promise that is meant to bless your life would only cause you harm.

It’s like getting a drivers license. There is a process… You have your 15th birthday and you go to get your learners permit. You have to pass a written test in order to get a learners license. Some people study and pass the first time…others study and still don’t pass. Some don’t study and may pass the first time…most will not! If you fail this test you have to wait 7 days before you can take it again. Now you can decide if you want to take a week or so to study (because you kind of know what kind of questions will be asked) or if you just want to take your chance. If you fail three times you have to wait for 30 days before you can try again. But…you have to PASS this test before you can receive a learners permit. (This is part of the PROCESS)

So now you have your learners permit…you have to drive with someone 18 years or older (it’s usually a parent) so they can help in case of an emergency or if you have a question. You are required by law to log 50 hours of driving…10 of those hours need to be at night. You want to drive as much as possible…so you feel comfortable on the road and also so your parents feel comfortable and confident that you will be safe driving alone. (This is part of the process)

You turn 16…the big day…you go back to the DMV and you turn in your driving log, you get with an officer, and you both get into your car and you go for a drive. There are several things he/she is watching for that you are required to do correctly in order to get your license. If you miss too many of the required moves you will fail the test and will not get your license. You will have to come back later and retake the test until you pass. If you meet the requirements you will pass the test and you will receive your permit that says you are able to drive alone…without an adult in the car. This is the promise that the process has brought you to. The promise you have been diligently working towards and now possess…because of the process! (Even now…you still have some restrictions because you are entering another process.)

You see…if you didn’t go through the process to prepare you for that promise it would not only be disastrous for you but also for others around you and with you. It is the same way in the kingdom of God. There is always a process to our promise. There is no promise without a process. If we try to rush the process…or skip the process altogether and make things happen…it will be disastrous for us and those around us. Sometimes we go through the process, but we miss some important lessons and we come to “the test” for the promise and we fail…not because God is mean, the exact opposite…because He is good and He knows that if He gave us the promise when we are not ready it would only bring destruction. So we have to continue in the process until we have all that we need to possess the promise!!!

The test for the promise is not going to be easy…but if you’ve been submissive in the process you have everything you need to pass the test and possess your promise! You will probably have to stand your ground and fight for it…but you can know for sure that God has already given you everything you need to complete the process and possess the promise!!

This test is all about you! You are actually the test and God is looking to make sure you have the maturity (that was tested in the process), the character (that was tested in the process, the love (that was tested in the process), the integrity (that was tested in the process)… you get it…right? He wants to make sure that you are prepared for the promise!

So, if you’re in a process right now…ENJOY IT! Trust God in it. Ask Him to show you all that you need to know during this time. Give Him permission to do whatever He needs to do in you to prepare you for the promise. Allow Him to test and prove your character…your humility…your love…etc. Psalm 139:23-24: “Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts. See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.”

If you’re standing before your promise facing the test to possess it and you know you’ve allowed God to work in you during the process…STAND FIRM AND FIGHT! Stay in Him during the test. It is in Him that you are able to be who He created you to be and possess the promises that He has for you. Stay pliable in His loving hands! He is for you!!!

Learn to enjoy the process knowing that it is the process that brings forth the promise! There is no promise without a process! Not one you can hold onto at least. ❤️

4 Replies to “There’s no Promise without a Process”

  1. So good! Love this. Offers perspective on truly how to feel when life’s circumstances hit. Will we let emotions take over, have self pity, or ask God what do I need to know here to pass this test. I pray this will be my response, that this perspective takes root in my heart. This has not been my response. I have gone through the trial and look backed only to realize that again I was offered an opportunity and I didn’t pass. I’m learning. repenting faster, and praying for change in myself NOT my circumstances.

    1. I believe we all find ourselves there at one time or another. Hindsight is 20/20. 😊 Believing as we each journey deeper and deeper with our Daddy God we will become more aware of His presence and His purposes in the process or preparation for the promise!
      Amen!!! Change us, Lord!!!

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