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Last month I wrote about slave mentality. I wrote from Exodus 14:13-14. I was so excited because this word got deep inside me and I knew it was a great word not only for me, but for all believers and I wanted to get it out. It was instruction for when we find ourselves facing the enemy. Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is fighting for you and all you need to do is be silent! Amen? We can trust Him in our battles. Now there was nothing personally going on in my life where I needed this word…but it resonated so well with me. I knew it was one I would hang onto…or so I thought. I worked on the blog for a few days and I had it saved to do one last read over before I published it the eve of April 5.

The afternoon of April 5 someone left a bag tied to my mailbox and inside the bag was a bouquet of tiny red roses and a heart shaped note attached that said, “The Lord will fight for you. You need only be still.” (Exodus 14:14) I was like, “Wow God! This person didn’t know that You had already put this on my heart and I am working on a blog, but You knew. You are so good.” I still didn’t take this as a “right now” personal word because all was well at the time, but I knew it was something that I needed to hold onto…so I dried the flowers and placed them and the note on my coffee table.

Fast forward a few days and the enemy pops up. Yep…pops right up and guess what my first thoughts were? Nope…not fear not, stand strong, and see the salvation of the Lord because He is fighting for you and you only need to be silent. My blog and the “special delivery” never even crossed my mind. What??? How is that even possible??? I thought this had gotten deep inside me!? Instead my thought was, “Lord, I need to hear from you. I need to know what to do.”

A couple days later my husband and I are praying about this specific situation…”needing to hear from God”–HAHA. In my spirit I heard the still small voice of the Lord say, “Do you trust Me? Be still and watch the salvation of the Lord. I will fight for you.” Immediately I remembered the blog and “special delivery”…NOT! Still not even a thought about it. I was encouraged by the Lord concerning my situation thought because “I heard from Him”. Sometimes I am so slow. Sometimes He has to repeat Himself over and over and over again…but guess what…He will!!! (Insert praise dance)

The next day at our small church meeting, I am sharing a little with the group so that they can pray for us to hear clearly from the Lord. So that we know what His will is in this situation and what He would like for us to do. We open service in prayer and are about to enter into a time of worship when one of the ladies says, “Ok, I keep hearing, ‘Stand and see the salvation of the Lord.’ Like it’s not your battle. He will fight for you.” Wow!!! Just Wow!!! God confirming His word to me from the night before!!Now I have clear direction. I still never a thought of the blog post or “special delivery”. But I was really really encouraged at this time because God had “confirmed” His word to me.

Fast forward a week or so and I was getting ready for bed and I picked something up off the coffee table and the “special delivery” note was stuck to it. I pulled the note off and went to place it back on the coffee table but decided to read it first…and the light came on!!! Finally!!! Immediately I realized that God had been speaking to me since the beginning of April through His word, through a “special delivery”, through His Spirit, and through the confirming word of another person. He was letting me know that He was seeing what was brewing behind the scenes and that I did not need to worry because He has me. All I needed to do was FEAR NOT, STAND FIRM, AND SEE THE SALVATION OF THE LORD. HE IS FIGHTING FOR ME AND I JUST NEED TO BE SILENT (STILL, RESTFUL).

I am so thankful that God doesn’t give up on us and He doesn’t grow weary when we hear Him, but we don’t HEAR Him. I’m thankful that He will find as many ways as necessary to get to us what He is desiring to get to us. I’m thankful that He is never caught off guard and He knows the plans and the schemes of the enemy. I’m thankful that He is always fighting for His children and that Jesus is always making intercession for us. I’m thankful that our battle is not with flesh and blood, but against evil rulers and authorities of the unseen world, against mighty powers in this dark world, and against evil spirits in the heavenly places. I’m thankful that God teaches us to love even when it’s hard. I am thankful that I know God is real and that I have a personal relationship with Him…and that He still speaks today!

So I will end this blog with this…although this word is a direct word for me (it took me a while to figure that one out), it is still a word for you, too. It is a word for His church. For those who are seeking His heart in every situation…Fear not, stand firm, and see the salvation of the Lord. He is fighting for you and all you need to do is be silent. Trust Him and rest in His faithfulness. In those verses in Exodus 14, it also says, “The Egyptians (enemies) you see today, you shall NEVER see again.”

7 Replies to “He Is Fighting For You”

  1. Loved this raw, honest post. I too have done the same thing. He is sooooo good!

    1. He is SOOO GOOD! It must be so tiring at times when He is being so obvious and His children still can’t see it. Haha I love Him so much!

      1. So good! How great is He to be King of the Universe and also Lamp to our feet and Light to our path. 🌎♥️💡👣

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